How To Install ICEnhancer 3.0 + Extra Visual Enhancement Mods (GTA IV)

How To Install ICEnhancer 3.0 + Extra Visual Enhancement Mods (GTA IV)

In this video I will be giving a tutorial on how to download and install ICEnhancer 3.0, the HD vegetation textures, HD road textures, HD Extras (blood etc.) and how to install basically any…



MKBeastGaming says:

I see in the comments that for most people the mods worked! I will try it
out tomorrow but will the game have lag on:
i3 4160 3.60ghz
4gb ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 750
Please tell me! P. S if it works you have one more sub and a shoutout from
my channel :D. Thank You :D

Mr. Chewblaccaa says:

Thank youuuuuu

VeepzM8 says:

When i try load the game i get a black screen for not even a second and
then it doesn’t load or say anything 

xSebas16x says:

I did it it workey but it goes really lagy can you make a video on how to
get my GTA IV back to normal? BTW i also bought GTA IV for steam so i dont
know if it changes anything.

WhoNeedsJug says:

I did everything but when I start the game the only thing that changes is
the veg

LALMreview says:

For me it says gta 4 doesnt work anymore

GameAddicted says:

32mb 6mins? and u say u got good network rolf 

Frank Van Beek says:

When i launch the game it says its missing : d3dx9_43.dll what do i need to
do plz help me

The Englishman 13 says:

it installed fine and the game works but when i play there is some serious
lag from my mouse and keyboard do you know how to fix this

Ghost-Network says:

Intro song please!

Jack Hungry says:

Really useful, thanks a lot…

Aldion Sylkaj says:

Next time boos your microphone, go control pane, audio, audio devices,
micropohne and click on enable microphone boost.

WhisperyAgate20 says:

Hey man, the mod works great, but there’s only one problem… when I launch
the game I can’t see anything during gameplay, it only shows me a dark
screen, I can only see the HUD and the subtitles… and I can hear the
audio… I would be thankful if I could use some help… 

hunter persson says:

My gta 4 keeps saying gta 4 is not responding then closes

Sm00gle says:

When I installed the road textures AVG detected trogen horse

Reverse Designs says:

whats the song in your intro?

GTASeries Mods says:

fuck u you little dick kid with your stupid shit gay back ground just gays
love it thats your are stupid retard gay kid

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