Ferrari wanted $1000 for an oil change…

Ferrari wanted $1000 for an oil change…


Luc Luc says:

Cracker content.

Morgan Mayes says:

She laughs the whole time she is talking just like Carole Baskin.

EquakeCS says:

Too bad ferrari will now block you from owning or purchasing another one brand new.

Divanshu says:

Do people in us pay 1000 dollars only for this.


In my country one time they did it for free, ofcourse they charged for the oil though.

Lorenz Sabbaer says:

just one little thing, you are using your oil cans wrong. the lid should be at the top, its way easier to handle the can then <3 much love from germany

Zachary Durham says:

One of my favorite looking ferraris

hans hoogendyk says:

Change the oil yourself, Ferrari has no control over quality of parts/oil you use , void the warranty

Josh Hansen says:

Am I the only one that sees it looks like it’s tipping on the lift ??? Like not a ton , but some , it made me uncomfortable like it was gonna fall

Maskqt says:

I love a wide body kit Ferrari.

Charlie McLaughlin says:

Yep its easy

Mr. MB24 says:

Now your Ferrari isn’t worth anything you need a Ferrari technician, so everything goes on record

lINFRAREDl says:

So you'll get a libertywalk Ferrari but an extra 1k is where you draw the line?

bob often says:

Make a platform beside the vehicle
Make a platform on both sides of the vehicle , Make a bridge connecting over from one side to the other platform

Austin TA says:

For a $200K car a $1000 oil change ain’t that bad lol. Most people who can afford an exotic don’t care about $1000.

Akainu says:

Ferrari is a joke every other super car is better

Kai Clark says:

I sense a lawsuit

Cap'n P. Zazz says:

You can change my oil sweetheart

James Carter Jr. says:

To quote Martin Lawrence: You Go Girl!

Yao Kuan Huang says:

Ferrari's attorneys going to have some fun now.

Quinn Mautemps says:

Hala Al Pugh 250 an oil change sounds good to me if you get to business

E2R Music says:

That's how she got banned from the Ferrari… Cease and desist… So children moral of the story is….

Michael says:

I don't have a Ferrari but can I call you anyways

World Wide United says:

shes gorgeous

Always Think Positive the Blonde Likers says:

Ferrari: bodykit? I'll sue you

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