Classic Cars Barn Finds Lot Walkaround Ferrari Mercedes + Have to Move Lot

Classic Cars Barn Finds Lot Walkaround Ferrari Mercedes + Have to Move Lot

Cars Everywhere Lot Walkaround Mercedes Cadillac #throughglass Getting ready for the big move and will have lots of car cheap che…



Richard Einstein says:

I have found that Blue Devil Head Gasket Sealer really works. The trick is
to clean the cooling system really good before using the sealer. I used
vinegar with citric acid and ran the engine until the system is clean.
Then follow directions and it should keep the head gasket sealed for 6-12
months and then do it again. The main thing is to have the cooling system
clean before putting in the sealer. If it isn’t clean, the sealer won’t
last very long.

Above all, keep an eye on the temp gauge and never let the engine
overheat. Keep a bottle of Blue Devil and a few gallons of water in the
trunk in case you need it and no parts stores are around. Yes it does work
and it is the only head gasket sealer I have found to be effective. I was
a used car dealer for many years, buying cars out of Chicago where they
pull every trick in the book. I have a little more experience than most

ladin425 says:

Man, too bad the timing is off otherwise I would love to come work for
you. I’ll take one of those junk cars back to jersey with me as payment.
lol That’s a beautiful car your driving there and it’s the first time I
remember seeing it despite watching nearly all you vids.

Honestly, you are the best car reviewer I’ve have seen yet and I’ve watched
all of them on YT. Not only are you good at showing what you are selling
but you are one hell of an entertainer. It’s the truth and that’s why we
all love watching your reviews and vids. I also really like the new car
dealer walk-around vids you did. Dealers on the west coast are like
amusement parks compared to what we have here in the north east.

The car business is tough because once you’ve got it figured out, the
market changes. It’s all about timing and keeping up with the swing of
things. Some times your personal preference gets in the way of best
business practice. Every time I tried to make a buck on buying and selling
cars that was the problem I always faced.

I hope you get everything in order soon and come out with some great
reviews and vids for 2015. 

Nissim Nave says:

Hey Nathan, what’s the best way for me to sell my Canadian 97 Pathfinder if
I’m in Cali?
Ow, I spread the word about your cars for sale…

Lovejazz01 says:

Four cars that a collectors items right there , The Bricklin , Buick
Starfire( never see those anywhere just like Chevy Monzas), the TR7( wish I
had the cheese to ground up restore that!) and the Caddy Truck-Camino lol!(
you say it’s not for sale tho, lol!) nice Ferrari and HBD man!

YouDontWannaFightMe says:

I would work for you now if somehow i could manage to magically transport
myself from Washington down to El Cajon. However, I am looking for a summer
job to help me save up for college.

KevinGoldLVL says:

would love to have that GMC or the Buick Wagon, the problem is the
distance, this lot is located in california?

Skyhawk1987Turbo says:

Did you say 350.00 on the cimarron? What’s the mileage 

faithandhappyness says:

how much for your personal mercadies?

Travis Hall says:

Is that a ferrari 365 gtb/4 spyder Nathan? Also happy bday.

J.C. Jesuitas says:

Hey Nathan! Love the videos man! I was wondering, do you still have the

akinsheye1 says:

Cant find the video for that ce anywhere Nate. Is it still up on website? 

paulinho da bahia says:

nathan, you are driving this dream machine like the Crockett cop ‘the Maimi

Cereal Marshmallows says:

The First 11 Mins is just Driving and Complaining about having to Move I
will Update on that SOON Keep in Touch on Facebook There are Lots of cars I will be
selling of CHEAP make sure and Stick Around for Lots of Car videos Coming

Chevy Nova says:

I want to see the inside of that Firebird man.

Romario Coombs says:


Chevy Nova says:


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