Case Mod Basics: Case Window Install,

Case Mod Basics: Case Window Install,



Bill Owen says:

DIY PC Window Kit, includes acrylic window, extra u-channel window trim &
full roll of 3M 4010 Clear mounting tape, you can use for future projects! 

Owen Jones-Wells says:

Do you think this could be done on a off the shelf pc, have upgraded the
hardware and want to have a cool looking case with window and LEDs to suit.
Led bit is mastered. 

sarah lee says:

any battlestar galactica computer case mods ….

Nathan Nguyen says:

How would you apply the u-channel for a square window with right angle

Frans van Heel says:

Why didn’t anyone already made a sidewindow-waterreservoir?
I mean a sidewindow that is actualy a waterreservoir.
At least i never saw one.

sarah lee says:

loved the vid thnkz ….

The Gamer's Game says:

could I just cut the whole thing using the dremel? 

Chris Young says:

lol if u only seen my first ever window mod …of course i didnt have
the tools that u did all i had was.. tin snips and self taping screws

R Umlas says:

Definitely want to try this on my corsair 330R side panel 

guilhermesoad10 says:

Looks pretty easy… I’m gonna do this on my Phantom 410, I don’t like that
side fan grill… thanks!

Benana says:

I am going to do this to my case but I was wondering what should be the
thickness of the u channel. No the middle bit but the bits that are on the
edge…. hope that makes sense

TheMinersMinors says:

Is there a way that i can simply drill a hole in case and plexi and put
washer and nut on the other side? Just wondering because nuts and bolts
last alot longer than tape (even if it is high quality)

Thanks- Alex

Lucas Williams says:

Good job. I like that you’ve kept it simple. With the exception of the band
saw, most people can easily acquire this stuff at home. Hell, you even did
your jigsawing on a cardboard box from what I can tell haha. Do you think
the whole thing could be cut with a dremel tool or would you need the

kizzyface456 says:

Bill just want your thoughts i have a cooler master centurion 5 case and i
am looking for some direction about how to go about having a acrylic side
panel for the whole left side i need some help! Please!

Andy G says:

I think im gonna do mine out of glass instead of acrylic. It would scratch
less i think

BF3kriss941 says:

Can anybody tell me how much of a difference it will make if I use a 10tpi
blade with the jigsaw?

Aaron Gray says:

Dude that was sick. Well done. ^_^

SwollenRhino says:

Bill if I sent you my xbox 1 could you cut out the plastic top above the
blue ray drive an put a window in & then cut the plastic above the fan an
add an 80mm mnpctech fan grill?

jazzArT21 says:

+Bill Owen what is The black thing you use at 7:25?

Gunz Blazin says:

Good show! :)

JaCK5t3R1900 says:

thats sick :D

Christian Lippert says:

Great video, just completed my first case mod with this’ help!

spencer4757 says:

I’m thinking about getting blue


não entendo sua lingua (ingles) mas aprendo (assistindo, assisto) voce
fazendo. Muito bom obrigado Bill meu amigo. :)

Bhavesh Suhagia says:

i am looking to buy red colored u channel if that if possible. does anyone
know if i can buy from somwhere

Fred-Richard Saueauk says:

hmmmmm…. i need those tools

MrBlinksy says:

Where can I buy white u sleeving? I can’t actually find any u sleeving so
anything would be a help! Thanks!

Dakine Gabe says:

Awesome video, I will be using this vid to mod my Phantom820. Thanks

Luke W says:

Looks great, deffo guna give this a go, Thanks

LilRonic99 says:

now that’s an epic intro

mc.gaming says:

realy nice mod tnx im going to do that we i get a pc case

Dillon Cornett says:

Great work, will definitely follow this tut when I get the budget. 

mc.gaming says:

get maby a beter mic and camera and you get mutsh more subscribers sry for
bad english

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