A Ferrari Miata? – Vlog #34

A Ferrari Miata? – Vlog #34

PLEASE LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! YESTERDAY’S VLOG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yFAsofDMUo Thank you for Watching 🙂 Follow Me On: Twitter – optimusp517 Instagram…



Dean Penalba says:

How many coupons did you have in that stack?

Adam Goldman says:

How do you get so many coupons? Please respond

JhovanniPichardo says:

Use a mount. Holding the camera looks dangerous lol

XJamZ650 says:

I like the law and order “moving camera effect” its like your there

optimusp517 says:

Still is for me man. Especially when I’m wearing dress clothes haha. You
don’t see a guy dressed up (from work) vlogging usually.

optimusp517 says:

It’s annoying cause I got a manual haha.

marky mars says:

Great vlogs braddah!!

nikeairjordan710 says:

Yea i ate pizza the other night & ive been dieting since january & I got
sick from it…..trying to be picky on my options now.

iceman74033 says:

Watch my new video

optimusp517 says:

I’ll be there, not sure if I’ll have a suit or mask lol.

Connor Adams says:

Use a mount hahahahahaha. Seems dangerous to drive with

jpainte06 says:

“do you want me to mount you guys” – optimus p hahaha – just messing with
you man – nice vid

rizaldeez says:

Get on YoAnty’s live chat tonight! 😀

Chris Joseph says:

Mount son!!

optimusp517 says:

Every $200 you spend with Finishline you get $20 coupon. So you can only
imagine lol. It’s also based on aggregate and not per purchase.

32432432894612736213 says:

how do you get those physical paper finishline coupons? for some reason I
only get the digital ones.

Ethan Truong says:

Use a mount please!

Canada231100 says:

daang all of those coupons tho!

Jonh Hosty says:

keep it up man i just finished week 2

qbelkstqx says:

Use a mount gotta be annoying to drive and hold the camera

ChuckSteeZ937 says:

Is it still awkward recording in public? Seems pretty intimidating to do
that. Takes some marbles! LOL

jake ball says:

Get a camera mount! Great idea and less likely of an accident haha

badasshell123 says:

Mount me.

JDubKillinKicks says:

The $20 finish line rewards coupons expire though don’t they?

KingOfKicks805 says:

u tryna mount me bruh?

kevintakijr says:

Yo how do you get those coupons

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