Replace 2010 Dodge Ram headlight

Replace 2010 Dodge Ram headlight


Ceace Williams says:

It’s not a big deal removing the grill. I have a “10 and it took me all of
about 15 minutes to replace both headlight bulbs.

Sergio Lopez says:

Did you really notice a difference with the upgrade? I am just about to do
the same…

ReddNekk13 says:

You gotta be kidding? Why did Dodge make something so mundane as changing a
light bulb into a major operation? I’d expect something like this from GM,
but DODGE?

John Overman says:

I have a 2010 dodge ram 1500 and was able to take out my headlights without
taking the grill out for a HID install. Just have to be careful.

Pierre Brassard says:

Sorry if I created some confusion. I replaced the daylight. Not the
headlight. I have to admit I was looking at improving highway visibility at
night. I wanted to replace the highbeams. I just went with it.

Pierre Brassard says:

Good question. It turns out. The access panel is only used to reach and
release the bracket (latch) holding the headlight.

michael olivera says:

I was wondering if it was possible to change bulb without removing entire

Henry A Ceron says:

This bulb you replace 9005 is the highbeam correct??

HIMI2003 says:

which is high been and which is low beam

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