How to replace Valve cover gasket Dodge neon part 3

How to replace Valve cover gasket Dodge neon part 3


Mohamed Akmal says:

best videos for Dodge Neon on the internet , great job mate

4mbrad says:

Thank you for this video Alexey. Wanted to do a tune up on my 2000 Neon and
also found oil on top of spark plug 2 and 3. Got a valve cover seal kit for
$ 30 from NAPA store and will replace it next weekend. Thanks again!

andrea gruchala says:

Is the car supposed to smoke again to burn off excess oil, or was that
something you weren’t expecting when you started it at the end?

BillMcGirr says:

Great video…

Well done my friend.
Very informative.

Best wishes.

kenneth morgan says:

You should torque the spark plugs @ 26 foot pounds and not a guess

rrliz says:

Thanks good info

J Jones says:

thats the best sounding neon engine that i’ve heard

orng1 says:

Good job, it’s funny how crappy the factory engine mounts are.

Clay ton says:

Don’t drop the spark plug into the holes. It will ruin your gap. You didn’t
have to pull the spark plug tubes out to stop the oil from getting in the
tubes? I had to pull the spark plug tubes out and put ‘Indian Head gasket
maker’ on the ends then tap them back into the cylinder head.

Alexey Gavrilov says:


Alexey Gavrilov says:

thank’s for the comment..

Alexey Gavrilov says:

yep… there are 3 of them… one in the middle is very hard to replace..
mine making noice metal to meatl cause rubber is gone already but i don’t
want to partially take the engine out to replace it..

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