how to replace fuel filter on cummins 5.9

how to replace fuel filter on cummins 5.9

2001 dodge cummins fuel filter replacement. includes all info EXCEPT how to prime fuel system, which will be in another video.




does cummins engines have spark plugs? i have a 3500 cummins turbo 24v slt
and i can’t find ’em!!! pliz help!!!

Tory Tedder says:

you started to talk about the lift pump….still not getting fuel, think
lift pump needs bleeding,how?

milleroctober1996 says:


Juan Ramirez says:

Why do you wear gloves gloves are for pussies

TheNick54372 says:

Looks like home heating oil…looks red!

Thomas Helton says:

lololol it`s alot cleaner than mine just was haha after i used all the fuel
in my transfer tank 200 miles from home

Craig Wallace says:

Very good video very helpful thank you

dodge cummins says:

you’re velcome. hopefully it helps.

kennygtexas says:

Just completed…thanks a lot.

INCC74656I says:

i resent that, my voice sounds nothing like his

dodge cummins says:

you’re very welcome…

PVTBrosten says:

You have a Pedophile voice..Yes I know what a Pedophiles voice sounds like

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