how to change brake pads on dodge ram

how to change brake pads on dodge ram

changing the front brake pads on a 04 dodge ram 1500 4×4.



Rusty Shackleford says:

Decent info, not to pick at you but if showing other people how to do it,
use a jack stand, and also never allow a caliper to hang on the brake line.
The use of the old pad is a good tip so you don’t need two clamps.

chihene says:

if the brake pads were good I’d suspect a malfunctioning caliper….

Pavol Andrejco says:

And I’m a bit smarter then i was 10 min ago. Thank you sir.

Russ Reese says:

thanks for the video, I’m installing brake pads tomorrow.

mayj12 says:

Lol. That’s what it’s like at my house. An easy 10-15 job turns into 30.
Seems like Murphy’s law for me every time. If something can get stuck or
hang up it does. I would recommend jack stands and to use an old brake pad
to compress caliper. Good job though

Damon Cole says:

change the hardware?

john orrell says:

nice video, thanks for posting

etec59 says:

get a life you poor complainning bastards ! whats a matter scared youtube
might slow your profits down ,some of us dont have the money to pay dealers
and other car mechanics companies ! any help is good help.thank you for the

OSDCrusher says:

NEVER let the caliper hang by the hose. NEVER. Pure atrocious video.
Nothing done correctly.

Daniel Skeans says:

needed that thanks

Duke Y says:

Thanks for posting. Good job. I’ve done brake jobs before and just wanted
to see if there was anything different.

OSDCrusher says:

Clearly you’re fucking blind if you think this is a good video. Judging by
your awful grammar you seem like a clueless moron. No wonder you think it
is a good video.

dirtycaty says:

Great! I’m about to do mine here in the uk, looks fairly simple, although
everything under my truck is rusty as they put so much salt and crap on the
roads in winter!

Puravidapictures says:

holly molly you get things going, no farting around I learned a lot to day
hang loose man…

ThePieces2 says:

He didn’t know how to compress the piston before removing the caliper. This
is a guy I would not trust with my car. Hit the caliper with a hammer and
crack it so that I can lose my brakes… Remind me not to go to you for

bodybywill says:

Use some safty stands

LvBOMBER says:

Are the front and rear brakes the same on a Dodge Ram?

riflessss says:

oh yeah! but you did a pretty sweet job changing them. all nitpicking aside
it was a great video that would help someone trying to learn how to do it
immensely. my only recommendation (that I learned the hard way) is to not
let the caliper hang from the hose like that… the older that truck gets
the better the chance that it’ll break or start leaking.

Syre Maxwell says:

People like you that take time to teach others are AWESOME!!!!!! thank you!

tunicaprinter says:

better watch a diferant video this is not right to many things done wrong

rahorin says:

Hey buddy the caliper mount brackets is held in with its own set of bolts

memorycdrew says:

I would jam rocks into the caliper/bracket assembly, and then beat on it
some with the hammer.

TreDeuces1 says:

Hey, Check This Out All You JEALOUS HATERZ!!!! This Is The BEST Auto Care
Video I Have EVER Seen!!!! I’ve Viewed Other Videos But THIS ONE Was More
Realistic!! I LIKE How He Had An Issue With The Caliper In The Beginning!!
Great Video!!! Now, Can Ya Teach Me How To Change My WaterPump??? Lol
Thanks For The Break Lesson Buddy, YOU ROCK!!!!

Derrick Miller says:

wasn’t the safest way, but it was a good job though.

Jason Roach says:

Why would you demonstrate this for people that dont know how to do this and
just let the caliper hang on the hose like that? DO NOT DO THIS!

zachattack42289 says:

next time instead of using two clamps use old brake pad across pistons put
clamp in middle and compress much easyer and my calipers on my dodge were
also bitch to get off good vid though

Greg Drinkwater says:


luisconchas87 says:

Thanks saved some money doing it myself. 🙂

Ryan Fitzpatrick says:

Serious people. The man took his time to show people how to do a brake job.
Without videos like these you’d be paying a mechanic. So what he let the
caliper hang from the hose. Fucking cry about it. If you don’t like the
mans video, here’s an idea. DON’T WATCH IT!

trekfuel781 says:

Remove master cyclinder cap and beat caliper with hammer while prying
between caliper and saddle(bracket). Then hang caliper from bungee cord so
you don’t damage brake hose while working on pads.

MegaBearslayer says:

thanks for the video, it gives me an idea if there any tricks to this one
and it seems routine. I would use Never-seize or grease on the caliper
bolts. other wise not a bad video. haters will hate screw em

Cuby2k says:

Jack stands are a necessity. Period.

Janet Parry says:

wow, think this would be better titled as DONT FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE AND TAKE
IT TO A PROFESSIONAL, man theres so much wrong in this “how to”

hondaguy91 says:

The ONE THING I wanted to see, you don’t show (how the pads go in… which
side the noise tab goes on) You really shouldn’t let the caliper hang by
the hose. That will damage the hose.

fomoco300k says:

You shouldn’t call your video a “how to” if you don”t really know how to.
Try naming it “My First Adventure in…” Or you could just get a job at the
DIY Network. : )


Thanks for takeing the time to post the video nice to see people doing
these things themselves thats what the good Lord gave us 2 good hands for
well done

Karl Kessler says:

OMG this is the worse video ever. My kid knows more about this than you do!

Anthony Acuna says:

bro you can use a c clamp and one of the old brakes to compress the piston
lol good job though

John Stewart says:

if you use the old brake pad you dont need to use 2 c claps

BlueRoy58 says:

I cant see shit I only see the bottom of the wheel

riflessss says:

sounds like you need a better air compressor. I hate those direct drive
oilless pieces of shit. :/ they take forever to fill the tank and are loud
as hell. belt driven compressors are the best by far 🙂

Alexrow42 says:

if u work in a shop i hope ur boss doesnt see this video

Ron Tam says:

U gave me a headache but …. Tnx

brian buehler says:

Things don’t always go as planned such as the rust and corrosion on the
brake caliper, so give him a break.

MrLucavazool says:

great video ,thanks for the help.

Karl Kessler says:

Your kidding me right? SO much more to do than just that. To start with. I
recommend to anyone to use a Stand after jacking the car up on that soil.
Are you trying to Kill some one?

Anthony Acuna says:

o and another thing use a jack stand it will be a lot safer lol

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