Gen III Chrysler Minivan Headlight Assembly Replacement

Gen III Chrysler Minivan Headlight Assembly Replacement

Generation III Chrysler mini-van headlight assembly replacement. The single or “dual” assemblies are about $50 and come with a new headlight bulb installed. …



James M Skipper says:

The process should be the same. I’ve swapped both. The adjustments are
different. Yes, the quad lights have two bulbs in each housing. Plymouths
and Dodges usually didn’t have quad lights. I’ll post photos showing the
difference if you want me to.

Ka Zak says:

Hi ,, Was wondering ,, I have a 1999 Plymouth Grand Voyager . This process
would be the same ? And ,, are these considered “quad” style headlights ? I
was looking to purchase ones on Ebay ,, and some say quad style ,,,, are
they referring to quad as in 4 bulbs ? ,,,,, 2 in each light ? Thanks for
any help ….

James M Skipper says:

I’m glad it has been helpful. I’m amazed at how much help of all sorts has
been posted on the web and on You Tube in particular. And, yes, a lot of it
isn’t very helpful!

James M Skipper says:

I’m glad it helped. Thanks for letting me know!

tff43 says:

I agree with Mitch, This is the only site that showed it right. thanks CHAMP

Mitch Clendening says:

Thanks for the informative video. Yours was the only one I found that
accurately showed a 1998 Grand Voyager procedure. Everything else just said
“remove the 3 screws on top” and that wasn’t working for me!

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