1999 Chrysler Sebring Convertible Autostick conversion 2 of 2

1999 Chrysler Sebring Convertible Autostick conversion 2 of 2

1999 Chrysler Sebring Convertible Autostick conversion , wiring and other tips for the autostick conversion. Detail on wiring is provided for troubleshooting…



Dan Mills says:

On your video just put the link to your playlist intead of listing all
videos… :>

syyenergy7 says:

I got these super cheap for $85. Usually they are about $140 to $150 for
used parts.

Alejandro Garcia says:

Man, I really like your videos, really much, 99%, but there is just one
thing are not the best, reason is they are way dark man, you should film
during day or at least in a very well lighted spot… the rest of it +
information is greatful, congrats!! just beaware of that… Salutations!!

Dan Mills says:

How much was this kit? Please put link to product in description.. Thanks

Dan Mills says:

OK how much did you spend. Thats what I was looking for… :>

syyenergy7 says:

It varies on the vendor. I’m not sure if this person is selling these
anymore. But I show all the components necessary for installation. I got
this from ConvertiblesForever at yahoo dot com. Email him. He may have

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