Chevy Impala 3.4 L Tune Up Spark plug and wires replacement

Chevy Impala 3.4 L Tune Up Spark plug and wires replacement

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Roy B says:

Lol dang man you put in some serious work!!! You gotta rock that motor so
you can see what your doing. I changed mine blind the 1st time and it
sucked… gloves all ripped up, good thing you cut the sound off. I know
you were dropping some f bombs. Lol good video!

alton sandles says:

the impala spark plugs come already set

Seward Stephens Jr. says:

When doing t have e back three spark plugs you could just unscrew the front
two motor mounts it provides you with more room

Kwa Nguyen says:

Thank you very much! Your video is very informative.

Seward Stephens Jr. says:

Why didn’t you teach them how to set the spark plugs before installing them

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