Old Cold Forgotten Buick Seat Repair

Old Cold Forgotten Buick Seat Repair

Hey we’re back! (Sort of.) Anyway, here’s another installment of fixing the Old Cold Forgotten Buick. This time we turn our attention to the matter of the ve…



1953fordtrucks says:

Nice referencing davidsfarm’s floppycock!!

iChiMzZ says:

wait wait wait, you just said theyre not good mechanics

SuperGoldSkyCyrus says:

did you just say floppycock from davidsfarm

tubageek2006 says:

Didn’t your dad start driving the Electra after you sold the Red Rocket and the Keykeeper began driving the silver Buick?

uxwbill says:

Good question. I don’t recall the reasoning behind his decision now.


Hey just out of interest, How come your dad went from driving the silver buick to driving this one after you guys got it fixed

eaglevision993 says:

Nice videos, I like the idea fixing a car other people would most likely just get rid of.
I always do my own automotive repairs on all my and my family´s cars. All are US cars btw.
Best regards from Germany

uxwbill says:

Thanks for the support, but there isn’t much reason to say any more than I already did. Look at their channel and you can see they have a bit of a fixation, even leaving berating comments on their own channel.

I’m not going to let stupid Internet trolls bug me anyway. If they don’t like how I’m doing it, there are millions of other YT channels and cameras are cheap these days, if they can be bothered to do anything other than bitch about those of us who can and do! 🙂

romone crosby says:

you are a jackass and they are not redneck and good mechanics

02chevyguy says:

Go to burntvalve86’s comment page and read the comments he’s made to other people. Just make sure you’re not drinking anything when you do…it might wind up all over your monitor from you laughing too hard at them.

Mario95BG says:

You have great american car.I love even the Chrysler Voyager 😀 No not really I just love America and it’s cars 🙂

RabbitEarFran says:

Thank you for keeping these car, Billy! 🙂

Joe Mulford says:

Its a redneck ejection seat!

Rory Collins says:

great job with the car. I own an 88 electra and an 89. both white. and i am super happy with both of the cars. 88 has 189,000 on it and the 89 has 240,000 and i just got it and it needs just as much work as yours. And im going to invest the 1,000 dollars to do all the repairs.

Rory Collins says:

u must not know much about cars, because i own two of theese cars with similar mialage and they both run better than two slightly used cars put together!

Bonnev1932 says:

Anyway, this video is awesome, I thought I knew how to work on cars (I’d give myself a 6 out of 10, 10 being pro mechanic, but you guys would make me look like a stone wielding cro-magnon. Where do you even get all of the tools to do this sort of thing?! If I had that many tools they’d end up on different continents, I just can’t keep track, haha. Ignore cynics like the man below (obviously you do). Some people are just never happy until everyone else is miserable.

Bonnev1932 says:

Burntvalve86, allow me to correct your horrendous spelling, sentence structure and grammar errors in regards to your last submittal. I believe you meant to say “You clowns give AN ENTIRELY new meaning to the word “Redneck”. You are POOR EXCUSES for mechanics. THE FINAL REPAIR THAT THIS CAR NEEDS, IS BEING PUSHED OFF OF A CLIFF. See? I even capitalized the newly corrected segments. Please refrain from criticizing someone who is clearly more knowledgeable than yourself, especially in this arena.

jeditigg says:

I think its a great car. It runs and drives. That more than a few people can say about there car. About the rocking seat, my 65 Fairlane before I replaced the seat track, used to slide forward and back freely. Since it was a bench it was a lot of fun to slam on the brakes with an unsuspecting passenger.

uxwbill says:

Lessee here…you call us “poor mechanics” despite the fact that we fixed the problem instead of just throwing an otherwise *fine* car away?

Oooookay…our definitions of “poor” clearly differ. We tried and succeeded in solving the problem.

burntvalve86 says:

You clowns give a entirley new definition of ‘ Red neck ” you are poor excuses for a mechanic. Do the final repair this automobile needs, push it off a cliff

Ronsky89 says:

i guess the 3800 is really a popular engine. a couple of days ago i was at the shop and one of the other students had a 92 buick lesabre with the 3800. he had nothing but good things to say about it. it was sure nice to see that engine upclose. watching these videos, it was like getting a celebrity’s autograph after seeing all this movies.

scarlebloke says:

Brilliant series of videos! Nice work from you and proof, if ever proof was needed, of how good American cars really are.

uxwbill says:

This one is surprisingly good–it receives well, transmits well and can certainly be heard if you turn it up.

We have quite a few here as well and don’t need any more! 🙂

Aaron S says:

Huh, it looked like one of those really expensive ones that are supposed to be aerodynamic or something. Meh. I have been working on a 2001 Land Rover for about two months, and this thing has more electrical bugs than Apollo 13.

uxwbill says:

We like fixing stuff, whether it’s cars, houses, computers (that one is my specialty), appliances and whatnot.

As far as the windshield wiper goes, there’s nothing all that special about it. It’s just whatever NAPA sells that happens to be appropriate for 2003 S-10s.

Aaron S says:

Niiiice. Good work fellas. It is so rewarding to fix something with your own two hands. By the way uxwbill….I noticed the driver side windshield wiper blade on your pickup…I have been wanting to get ones like that for my Grand Prix and my Jeep, but couldn’t bring myself to spend the $15 or so dollars on them. Would you recommend them? I don’t can’t think of anyone else that I know that has them.

jumbomarkercreations says:

Those mic/CB combos arent the best. If i ever get my hands on a working uniden CB i’d mail it to you guys. I have enough CBs at my house as-is haha

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