Replace the windshield on my 2007 BMW 750IL

Replace the windshield on my 2007 BMW 750IL

Here I video how to replace my windshield on my BMW, these guys were fast…



jesus garay says:

Nice video. But unfortunately a lot mistakes on the installation 

claddagh1000 says:

also check the corner of the paint on passenger side where the hood and
fender are, a few inches up from the passenger corner of glass. May be
scratched. Looks like window hit there when he was inside pushing glass out
when cutting the bottom with the sawsall type tool.

emoneyblue says:

I agree they had to send out some other guys and did it right ….

emoneyblue says:

Thz , I agree they had to send out some other guys and did it right ….

emoneyblue says:

No, I paid for a service company to come out and do it!

Bogdan Kril says:

Bunch of hacks… clips are busted … damn!!!! would never trust these
guys to put a w/s in my car!!!!! did they reinstall the same heated
windshield in your car? ( dose not look like it judging by this video)….
on this $70,000 i would use someone more reputable!!!!

emoneyblue says:

This is MY CAR!

claddagh1000 says:

any info??

emoneyblue says:

So far no leaks but if it does I will use this video to have it replaced
properly, thanks for the great information.

emoneyblue says:

For sure I just need is washed and back with the gas tank full… 😛 thanks
for commenting..

Lionel Robinson says:

Wow , they didnt pop the hood and take the cowl off and wiper arm , there
is a possibility that you will get a leak at the bottom of windshield .
Thats called stuffing the windshield ie short cut , not the proper way to
install windshields. At my old company if they watched this video i would
have been fired . Hope all is well on your install .

emoneyblue says:

Please explain, what they did wrong. I did not do this work. I do not I
know how to replace a windshield in a car. Please explain in more detail so
I may contact the installer. Sounds like you know what you’re talking about.

Msicarg Kris says:

Hey….can I borrow that car for the weekend???…..a beast!!

claddagh1000 says:

The oils from your skin contaminate the glass and glue. Also it’s called
stuffing the window when you dont take the black plastic cowl off. I would
bet the bottom seal is compromised. Next time it breaks go to safelite or
another shop and when out, ask if you can see the bottom of window. Or ask
them if the bottom seal looks bad. Just want to help. especially on that

claddagh1000 says:

oh. did you install window?

claddagh1000 says:

wow, no gloves, stuffing the windshield, leaving cowl/wipers on. How the
hell are you in business?. You need training my friend. Fast isnt what it’s
about. I would bet 100 bucks the bottom seal is not correct. Please next
time you have it replaced ask to look at the bottom inside of window,(when
out) see how wavy and miss conformed the urethane is. I’m being serious.

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