Repairing oil leaks on a 2002 BMW 330 Ci

Repairing oil leaks on a 2002 BMW 330 Ci

Hi Everyone: This BMW has 198000 miles on it, has been quite some time since the vehicle was serviced. Lots of oil leaking from the valve cover gasket and o…



john sadler says:

Hi Yas Men: Never heard of them warping, have seen several crack in the
middle and leak oil. You need to see for yourself exactly where the oil is
leaking from ( what part of the valve cover, middle, bottom corner, etc )
and take a picture. My shops give a 12 month or 12,000 mile warranty on
there repairs. Find out exactly how long it’s been and how many miles, if
it’s close a good shop will usually honor the job.

In this case , I would find another good quality shop and get a second
opinion. Or ask the Dealer what they would charge to tell you where the oil
is leaking. If it’s not to much, may be worth it. Once you know exactly
where the oil is coming from you can decide who is best for that job. I
would Definitely use a BMW Specialist with a good record in the community I
live in. Ask BMW car club member’s who they like and does a good job.

MartyHaloMeyer says:

Thanks John

Yas Men says:

Hi John – I had the valve cover gasket replaced a year ago. Now my engine
2.5L (E46) is leaking again. My mechanic says that the valve cover itself
is warping due to age. I’ve never heard of a valve cover warping on an
engine that’s never overheated. What are your thoughts ?

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