MAX BMW Garage R1200RT Headlight Bulb Replacement

MAX BMW Garage R1200RT Headlight Bulb Replacement

A step by step video walkthrough on how to access, remove and install headlamp bulbs on a BMW R1200RT. A MAX BMW Garage Production.



Marc Roos says:

Thank you very much for your excellent tutorials. You rock even in South

Jake Curl says:

I buy parts from your company because you folks are honest. Great videos,
too. I wish my local dealer was as good!

RemekTek2 says:

Easy without the bike! It took my wife’s small hands 2 hrs for us to change
the two low beams! What a shocking design, BMW!!! Thanks for the video,

Bruce Dimon says:

The video was very well done! It’s nice to know that I don’t have to remove
anything to replace a bulb. Thanks for the information.

Peter Roc says:

Great videos and very informative, but for a better sound recording I
advise using a small wired microphone. The background noise interferes to
much. Besides that, great job! 🙂

Eduardo Beltrán says:

Gracias a estos “pequeños” consejos se ahorra mucho tiempo cuando uno
necesita cambiar un simple foco. Excelente video

joltenjoe5 says:

Terrific, informative. But…it sure would have been nice to see it done
_without_ removing the headlight assembly. We need all the help we can get
with just how in the world to get at these damn things. Seeing someone who
does it regularly show us how it’s done under normal circumstances, even if
it’s always a struggle and a pain in the butt, is what we all need to tutor
us. How about a followup?

halmc says:

Very useful — once one obtains access to the twist off covers. however, it
borders on disingenuous to omit any mention of what must be removed from
the bike to get access to those twist off covers, especially the RH one
that is ‘behind’ (in front of) the radio/glove box.

Harrison Picot says:

The good part about taking it out is that you can see the clips. If it was
installed, you would see very little but hands in the way. There is no good
part to this, except the guy that got his wife with small hands to do it.
After you do the right side, you know what to look for in a wife. I can
only guess what he had to do for her after two hours of real frustration. I
am thinking, she eats chocolate while he runs the vacuum but it could be
worse, that job is brutal.

Keith Fong says:

great videos – informative… glad you decided to mute the music during the
walkthrough 🙂

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