MAX BMW Garage R1200RT Air Filter Replacement

MAX BMW Garage R1200RT Air Filter Replacement

A step by step video walkthrough on how to remove and install a new air filter on a BMW R1200RT. Be sure to see our previous video tutorial on how to remove …



Allen Jalali says:

Thank You for the video…
I would love to see that again… Wihtout the stupid noise so called
I need to hear YOU, not the noise… Plus, what better music than the
Natural Sounds in the Garage…???
Thanks again…

Jake S says:

It’s so god damn easy to turn the music down in the edit. Unless you just
did that as a joke in which case that is pretty funny

Mert Ulas says:

Background music is horrible and very loud!!!

Rashid Al- Rashid says:

video is great but can not hear you man plus we really don’t need the music

Keith Fong says:

Great videos.. but the music is a little distracting..

youtubuzr says:

Great video, but the music over his talking isn’t helping. =/

agahf hoier says:

keep them coming!!

whitevangoth says:

Why the pointless noise in the background? I could barely hear the man talk.

Bruce Dimon says:

Very helpful. Thanks for the information. The music is a little obtrusive

Andy Quirk says:

Great your putting these vids on here considering service costs any chance
of doing a service with tappet adjust?. Keep up the good work.

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