Front Blinker Turn Signal Light Bulb Replacement BMW 325i e46

Front Blinker Turn Signal Light Bulb Replacement BMW 325i e46

This is a simple task unless you have never done it before. Once you see how it’s easy. I spent 10 minutes or more trying to figure out how to this the first…



James Neville says:

sweet, damn good job easy and simple explanation thx first video i have
seen but so far well done but do you have any videos on windows the plastic
clips broke on the regulators. can i replace those or do i have to replace
the regulator too and if so how about a video oh and im subscribing

Jesus Villa says:

Hey man this guide was superb. Although the intro was a tad too loud to be
compared with the rest of the video but that’s just nit picking. Awesome
vid. Liked and favorited

E Walls says:

This was a very helpful video, Thanks a plenty!

Bearista Bear says:

Fantastic! Thank you for the help, I would never have figured it otherwise.
I thought I’d have to take out the headlights first.

Ryan Kerch says:

Thank you this definitely helped!

smarzig says:

hmm I just looked and I dont have any hole on my 05 325xi…..I thought
saw some plastic screw or something there… dangit..

tkrotchko says:

Two things: 1) as someone else mentioned, some model years of the E46 use a
screw rather than a plastic catch as described here (same location) and 2)
The bulb number for the front turn signal is 1156, clear lens.

Ron Harlan says:


jim sisouvong says:

Thank you. Saved me time! Wish u had a flashlight but I got the idea 

L L Pennington says:

thank you , it was driving me crazy. 

Karla Wright says:

Whew! Thanks. Saved me at least $75

Steven Sisler says:

Thanks! This was very helpful!!!

Gary Harris says:

Thank you sooooo much!! That is a great video – extremely helpful.

deeandy27 says:

Thanks for this. I will be replacing mine today!

Myke Jasmin says:

Excellent, thanks dude 

Scott Price says:

Thanks much for posting this. Saved us a trip to our service guy. We’d
rather save him for the big jobs.

gcfootball711 says:

Wow thanks for the video man! Very helpful and saved me a lot of time and
hassle. It’s videos like these that make this world a better place.

vidman008 says:

That’s pretty Nifty the way they set it up to pop out.. You know what’s
even Niftier? Think of how much Money they made selling people those
Expensive Fixtures because it broke when people tried to just Pry it out…
Millions of Dollars!!! Thanks Ed.. This was really good info..

carnivore10 says:

As soon as I had that fender off and sitting on the lawn I would have seen
it!…LOL Great video Ed..very good to know!..

Apple4life says:

@edzgarage I’m not sure if it will protect from UV, but this stuff works
really well on headlight lens in sunny california. I think using a machine
buffer is more effective than hand buff. Good luck!

EdzGarage says:

@DirtyVerdy9 Thanks for watching!

marymo75 says:

Hi, can I do this same method to replace a signal flasher? My hazards work
fine, but my right indicator on it’s own goes too fast when selected on its
own. Any ideas?

Shane Mullens says:

My blinker blinks really fast when i turn it on.. Only on the left side. Do
you know what the problem is? is it a fuse or Bulb?

EdzGarage says:

@bugnutz43847683 My first time doing this I was so frustrated. Then I
looked closer and found out how easy it was lol

EdzGarage says:

@bushka568 Thanks for watching!

EdzGarage says:

@mbyr31 lol yeah, it’s easy, but I had a hell of time figuring it out the
first time. Thanks Matt!

bushka568 says:

Brilliant job. Thanks a lot.

EdzGarage says:

@500passwords lol All aboard!

The Sociologist says:


Snailed says:

@edzgarage Hey, thanks so much for the tutorial. I was wondering if you
could give me more information on your K&N Air intake. I’ve seen it on
another BMW before but I never got to ask the guy about it. My OEM intake
is starting to cough, and needs a replacement! Thanks!

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