E46 BMW 330i Water Pump DIY includes 323i, 325i, 328i, 330i, and M3

E46 BMW 330i Water Pump DIY includes 323i, 325i, 328i, 330i, and M3

The procedure is approximately the same on e36, e34 525i, and I6 e39 models too. The e46 m3’s water pump is different, however, much of this procedure applie…



propanemower13 says:

Just a tip, next time you have to drain the coolant for any reason. Buy a
big oil drain pan from Walmart for 15-20 bucks and go to bottom of the car
and look for a blue drain plug on the bottom of the radiator to drain the
coolant so its not so messy and get coolant on the belts. 

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