DIY: BMW E30 Rear Diff Oil Change

DIY: BMW E30 Rear Diff Oil Change

DIY: BMW E30 Rear Diff Oil Change Tools: Jack, Jack stands Socket Wrench 10mm Hex Bit Socket or Allen Wrench Breaker Bar Torque Wrench 80w 90 Gear Oil (1.5q …



bogustrick says:

Thanks for the video. I was trying to do this today but the damn bolts
won’t come off. I picked up a pipe to apply more force but nothing. Any
recs? thanks!

IronPump89 says:

have you ever changed the seals of the differential? By the way, thanks for
the video

omarrrxo says:

nice videos, definitely should post more E30 vids!

Samuel Blaikie says:

Hey, nice video. What did you use to put the diff oil in, just gravity or
some other device? Thanks

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