BMW N55 Squealing Noise Fix DIY

BMW N55 Squealing Noise Fix DIY

In this video I show you what it took to get rid of a squealing sound which is common on N55 BMW engines.

We attempt replacing the PCV valve with an aftermarket solution and eventually replace the entire valve cover. The PCV fix might work for some people but if you already need to do your valve cover gasket and you’re encountering the noise I’d recommend a new valve cover. You can purchase an aftermarket valve cover for under $120, here is a link to the one I purchased:

Here is the PCV valve I tried:

Here is a link to my valve cover gasket DIY:



Herakles says:

Great video ! What year is your x5? Do you like it? I have a 2011 n55 335 and watching this makes
Me worried ..

THEzxKING9 says:

Can we make automatic e92 335i do 2step ? If so can you tell me how it’s done ?? Thanks

iPwnAtZombies says:

Also wanted to add onto my previous comment this is what they said "Found diaphragm for crankca()e vent on valve cover ruptured. Replacing valve cover. " And the issue that mainly came from mainly having my AC on.

iPwnAtZombies says:

I had this exact same issue last year, thankfully I was under warranty took it to the dealer and it took 3 attempts to fix this issue. They replaced front and rear main seals then they decided on just replacing the entire valve cover. Finally I know what the real issue was, thanks a lot.

drone1028 says:

True to your word. Thanks for being the Guinea pig for us. I don't have this issue yet, but i have a 2013 X5 N55 motor.

hossam ibrahim says:

It is great video. I do have the same problem . And I'm 70% fixed the issue by deleting the crank ventilation valve so I only get this noise in hot start not even everytime but cold start no noise at all

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