BMW E90 Front Brake Replacement (328i Pads, Rotors & Sensors) FCP Euro

BMW E90 Front Brake Replacement (328i Pads, Rotors & Sensors) FCP Euro

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BMW 3 Series says:

Nice job. But why change brake pads and rotors which looks almost brand new

Andrew Kolesnikov says:

IMHO greasing the pads is dangerous – you will contaminate pad surface. Use
an anti-squeal compound.

noxy flex says:

Very informative video. Thank you for making it

Carl Dunaway says:

the sensor wears down to create an open circuit. If this has not occurred
(no dash lights indicating pad wear) there is no reason to replace the
sensor. Regarding the guide pins, clean them but do not wire brush them
and do not grease them. Grease will attract brake dust (dirt) and result
in them gumming up and not sliding as well. This is BMW’s recommendation. 

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