BMW E39 M5 Rear Bumper Replacement DIY

BMW E39 M5 Rear Bumper Replacement DIY

Removing and installing an M5 bumper on an M5. Fill in your vehicle’s exact information here for part numbers: Check out our sister E39Source website: http://www.E39Sou…



garytanaka says:

Looks like you’re building yourself a brand new e39 M5! Can’t wait until
you replace the engine and trans!

Milkman says:

I’ve got about a quarter inch gap between the top of my bumper and the
bottom of the trunk, do you know how to adjust that at all?

Lukas Högfeldt says:


ahmet orhan says:

What was wrong with the old bumper it looks same.

Zinammo says:

Laughing about Mercedess are we? :D

alecmets2011 says:

That license plate = yes

Noel Iniguez says:

You still have the stock suspension on it?

MrYision says:

Why did you change it?

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