BMW E34 M5 Oil Pump Rebuild #bmw #bmwe34 #bmwm5 #restoration #cars #mechanic #diy #engine #diy

BMW E34 M5 Oil Pump Rebuild #bmw #bmwe34 #bmwm5 #restoration #cars #mechanic #diy #engine #diy


@detroitdiesel7074 says:

It’s amazing how many “experts” are in your comment section criticizing your job, and yet they’ve probably never worked on or owned an e34, much less any older car for that matter…

Anyways, phenomenal work! Love to see other enthusiasts taking care of these old girls instead of parting them out.

@ChannelZeroOne says:

A new assembly cost less than my time is worth to me.

@peted5217 says:

Usually a new assembly fixs all the ailments.

@skullman0819 says:

Okay but let's be honest you had to buy two of the biggest more important components anyway and you're telling me it was cheaper to do that than to just buy the entire thing new including all the labor it took to do all that..

@tilekt4248 says:

I thought he would repair it but he just replaced it.

@jabberwockytdi8901 says:

The striations aren't a problem , the clearances between inner and outer
rotor and on the end faces are what matters as too much clearance = internal leakage. It's one of those "while your in there" things, the inner rotor looked a little tired, but the pump probably worked OK .

@emilioguitart3754 says:

Wow dope job!!
I’m some vids you use wurth motor grease to rebuild the pump but in this one you use assembly lube? Wich is the final choice?

@geremypelleran8487 says:

Anyone else light pitting or grooves this MOFO, striations!

@nick4506 says:

bmw is finicky with this stuff. id like to know if this repair lasts. vanos if it isn't a mirror finish in those bores its dead and you gotta get a new one. just wont last if you dont.

@aSpyIntheHaus says:

Are you going to mark those bolts to show they've been torqued?

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