Rear View Mirror fell off windshield audi adjusting install fix reinstall repair broken a4 a5 q5 b8

Rear View Mirror fell off windshield audi adjusting install fix reinstall repair broken a4 a5 q5 b8


Luis Mora says:

He made look to easy what the hell

leon Scott gaming and motors says:

Thanks mate I was stumped as to how the bloody mirror clipped back on, massive help this !

Will Ashcroft says:

Thanks. That helped a lot

PiffSett says:

Thanks for this video! You helped me get to work on time!!!

Click-fil-a says:

You solved my headache in 60 secs. Thank you!

alex laverick says:

Only an idiot would do this while driving and then put it out there so some other idiots can have an accident while they act as stupid as this guy
Do you have no common sense at all moron?

Philip Goldenstein says:

Thanks brother.

Scot Motzny says:

I thought you were driving my 2021 A4 Avant. I have exactly the same issues – visor tabs are both broken and the rear view mirror will fall off if you adjust it. I want to know if there is anyway to make it tighter!

carlos brown says:

Thank you bro. This literally just happened to me 30 seconds ago. All I could think about was the money it would cost to fix it. You saved me. I hope nothing but the best for you.

spx (realbibob) says:

I adjusted my mirror and then it just fell off and I struggled to put it in again lmao thanks for this video

Mohamed Amine Abidi says:

Thank you, that was helpful

Shantel Lofton says:

Thank you so……..very much. You detail information was accurate


I just did this adjusting it shyt just fell right off

Alisia Sims says:

It would of been nice to see it from the back.

master19890705 says:

thank you so much!

wurven says:

Dude thanks for the video. It worked!

woodfiredjack says:

Cleaning inside windows on my A5 before a road trip and the mirror fell off! Quick fix with your video! Thanks!!

Splenga Parkinson says:

I almost panic for a second, this video was quick and helpful

Doug Sutherland says:

Dude. Saved me a trip to Audi. Great video. The fact you did all that while driving down the highway makes you the filmmaker of the year.

WickerC says:

Didn't think to pull over while you fixed your mirror?!

Hao Huynh says:

Literally mine fell off when I was adjusting it too. I was pushing it on and got mad until found your video to spin the thing so thanks for that.

Mike Mike says:

Liked the video, found it informative and clear.
Didn’t like the fact you were driving whilst fitting the mirror. Very dangerous for you and everyone else on the road.

Max Corbett says:

Thankyou for this, very helpful

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