Doing Timing chains on a V8 Audi S4 is a big job #audi

Doing Timing chains on a V8 Audi S4 is a big job #audi


Dean Murphy says:

Couldve avoided half of that bullshit if they but the timing chain at the front of the engine. There is no advantage to having it on the back.

m K says:

Wow, no wonder why Audi's depreciate in value so rapidly. I thought all the audi drivers switched to Tesla, i guess they did when they got the repair bill.

Josue R. says:

And thats why those over priced VW's are not worth it

Jeremy says:

When I look for a car I look for a car that’s not time consuming to work on.

Chris Robbins says:

Step one : don’t buy german junk
Step two : repeat step one

sameold says:

Just part it out.
There, fixed it.

Bryant Ramos says:

Meanwhile Corvettes are still powered by pushrod V8s.

Walter Mercado says:

Estimate on a job like this?

hsitko says:

What fantastic engineering. Audi engineers: "When this car is 10 years old regular maintenance jobs will cost 2x the value of the vehicle! Germany's revenge!!!"

Theorphanlpsociety says:

Automovile U Dispouse Immediately

Karl Porath says:

Seems like a fine bit of Euro Trash engineering right there.

Falkor says:

Audis r dumb

Garrett Lombardi says:

That's why you don't buy an Audi

Name says:

They are money pits

Channel says:

After years of teardowns I just want to replace the engines anymore cuz half the time you get in there there's so much more you got to deal with if you don't it's just going to need to come apart again relatively soon and then the customers freaking out because so much more needs to be done to the point they would have preferred just a new motor

George Lelliott says:

Wouldn’t be too hard on just audi brand it’s all getting too common now a lot of European (v) engines are absolutely terrible for this reason got to have a big pocket for maintenance for a (v) engine when they start going wrong personally I like a straight 6 or 4 cylinder engine for this reason but however on the Bmw n47 or n57 engine the timing chain is at the back of the engine too but that’s a Bmw thing too

Voneric Sparks says:

Well at least the person could be an Uber driver to recoup the money

Dennis G. says:

I was throwing the whole car away

supra6t9 says:

What a mess

Ardeel Johannes says:

How many hours for labour?

Euphoric Gun Nut says:

Biblically accurate timing chain system

Lutha says:

its crazy how the updated tensioner still uses plastic, it will fail again or the chain will stretch. a nice way of gambling ones money on cars we love 😀

RudyG0007 says:

Hell yeah its easy! Easiest part is don't get an Audi lol…

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