DIY Install USB Charging Ports on a Car 12V to 5V 3A – Audi/VW or Any Car

DIY Install USB Charging Ports on a Car 12V to 5V 3A – Audi/VW or Any Car

In this video I install extra USB ports to hide in Glove Box which are connected to the ignition and switch off automatically when the engine is switched off. This prevents the battery from being drained.

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OompaLoompaHeadAss says:

hey i got a question, i got a 2 usb charger to replace the cigarrette lighter in my 2000 civic and it came with 2 wires which i connected to the positive and negative that were connected to the cigarrette lighter but since last week it started smelling burnt and making noise, do you think that if i use a piggyback connection with a 2 amp fuse (it's a 2.1 amp output) that this will solve my problem?

MrPeGGaming says:

Hi, I am looking at wanting to do this with 2012 Audi A3 i just got. I would like the extra usb slots in the glove box so I can wire in a usb powered Bluetooth module.

Where did you get the fuse and +12v feed from ?

Marshall Webber says:

Great, but how about a source for them?

Duarte DaSilva says:

ampere fuse?and the port you conect on box fuse?

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