Audi Q7 squeaky blower fan repair

Audi Q7 squeaky blower fan repair

The video will show you how to access and remove the blower fan in a Q7 in order to lubricate it and eliminate a squeak. Mine squeaked on low speeds and when…



Maurice Tremblay says:

Super webcast. Thanks.

Darryl Reiter says:

just don’t use WD40 – I used a graphite lubricant. It stopped squeaking for
about a year before it came back.

Khurram Hashmi says:

hi my blower fan is not working , besides being the blower motor – what
other parts coud also be faulty e,g any sensor basically my symptoms are
that i do not hear any fan when i turn on my heater even though if i
seleect the fan speed to max – appreciate any advice please – 57 Q7 model

rconstantinojr says:

Thank you sir. I just want to know what if the motor fan doesnt work any
more? Should i just buy a new motor fan then install it? Ty

ElBochaBostero says:

Great video thank you I did it on my porsche cayenne s and its the same
motor . Thanks again no more noise for now .

tinymechanic says:

Thank you also… Very helpful !

thenateman6969 says:

Thanks for all your work on this video. Took me 21 minutes and saved me
over a grand.

Darryl Reiter says:

Installing a new motor would be the same re-assembly process, yes. You
could buy new or, depending on what’s wrong with it, you might find an
electric motor repair shop, perhaps someone that repairs alternators could
look at it for you.

Jamie Moczynski says:

Same vehicle, but I have a loud noise ticking noise sometime that sounds
like the blower motor. There doesn’t seem to be any rthyme or reason to
when it ticks louder. Coluld this be the same issue you were having going
around cornors?

david herrera says:

So just by adding sum spray lube will fix this ?

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