Audi Engine Air Filter Replacement (A4) FCP Euro

Audi Engine Air Filter Replacement (A4) FCP Euro ▻ Mike from M&M Motors in Clinton, CT is back again to walk you through all the steps you might need to replace the engine…



FCP Euro says:

Nope, no need to do that for this repair.

David juarez says:

Are you suppose to disconnect the battery when changing the air filter?

ayzee12 says:

Awesome vid!! Thanks a ton for this! Just did it all myself! Only dropped one screw in the engine 😉

Patrick Marquis says:

I’ts the first ever good video about that on the net and sir, this is a nice DIY. Thanks !

shawn rego says:

Should do more audi vids on a6

mrich1984 says:

Good video. Hold do I change a breather hose on a 98 a6 audi quattro the one that connects to the crank case ?

MrSlowestD16 says:

It’s an Audi 😛

lexusfan100 says:

nice video..but didnt know have to remove so many parts just for engine air filter

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