Acura RSX: Central Console Removal / Installation.

Acura RSX: Central Console Removal / Installation.


Chris Gottfried says:

Where was this video when I had to figure this out? lol Great video,
though! I had to figure out all this on my own and I was terrified because
you literally just have to pull at the plastic. It’s scary, but a lot
stronger than I thought.

EggRol75 says:

Have you replaced the speakers for your RSX yet? i can use a video tutorial
for that.

Ivan Garcia says:

what about if all you want to do is change the boot leather do you have to
take this whole thing off too?

herizondetails says:

great video – thanks for making it.

Melvin baldoza says:

can you do a dash console removal? i want to spray my interior black cuz
swapping black interior cost more. on clubrsx all they have is pictures and
step by step for me so what confusing but a diy video is awsome!! thank you

Eduardo Chavez says:

good video man! help a lot

Sonik13 says:

Great video, thank you.

TheMrmarkity says:

It must really blow not having a type s

McKinley1990 says:

This will come in handy when i cover mine in suede

Rafael Zamora says:

is that the stock shift knob and boot?

importtunerguy81 says:

put tape on the screwdriver to prevent scratches

Morozov Automotive says:

all stock

TheAusup says:

Amazing video. Thank you so much for it! Just got my own console wrapped
with 3M 1080 carbon fiber vinyl. Installing it back tomorrow morning. The
video made the removal process so easy. You should keep doing these – thank

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