Acura CSX 2010 MacMini Install Part1

Acura CSX 2010 MacMini Install Part1

Blue Hawk Solutions has successfully put a 2010 MacMini into the car! World First! Follow Us on Twitter Website: http://www.bluehawksolu…



dinnerandashow says:

@bluehawksolutions thx

Marc-André Blais says:

I really like your black wheel!! 0_0

BiGGiEhood says:

Which DC header were you running again?

Jay Black says:

whats the point

bluehawksolutions says:

@arcostiann THANKS!

dinnerandashow says:

Does the Mac Mini have to be manually turned on or does the Mini now that
the power came on? And does it simply crash when the keys are turned off or
does it shut down ?

bluehawksolutions says:

@dinnerandashow it uses the carnetix p2190 PSU that has been tapped into
the cars ignition system. so when i take the key out it tells the mac mini
to go into hibernate mode and when i put the key in it tells the mac mini
to wake up

mar13b says:

this is so awesome!!

Mrboomx says:

is that not illegal?

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