The way this came out though #trucks #squattedtrucks #chevy #ford #liftedtrucks

The way this came out though #trucks #squattedtrucks #chevy #ford #liftedtrucks


@ErmalSylaj says:

he is a certifed car mechanic

@Truetts1 says:

He wasnt even unsckrewing any thing

@Sub0y123 says:

I didn't want a "how to be gay tutorial"

@wylermallett9111 says:

"Take out the old lift" holds up a wheel spacer.

@RowdyleePoole-i9n says:

You are not country you are gay

@JoshPutnamfan212theFlorencefla says:

He ain’t a mechanic he ain’t a damn thing other than gay

@DoorsandWindows says:

To make it easier I always add a colob star to the frame

@SeanHamilton-mc6nf says:

Who did he pay to do that I know he is not going get his hands dirty

@IsaiahSmith-p8z says:

How do I pimp out my s10? It’s a 95

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