Lets check some Fuses

Lets check some Fuses

This Ford Explorer has an issue communicating with my scan tool. The most common cause is a blown fuse, so we are checking all the fuses in the cab and in the engine bay.

#mechanic #repair #diagnostic #fusebox



@ericgarcia8039 says:

Usually the cigarett lighter fuse is joined with the OBD2 port….

@sumintraramsoon7515 says:

Find cigarette lighter fuse on most vehicles provides power to OBD link

@jimhmod says:

I hate under dash work too!!

@happinesslane7402 says:

Are you married?

@Mujahideen_khinzir says:

It cant communicate, looks like you need to switch to male ecu

@marco785 says:

I’m sorry but ima fat and I would definitely be using a lift to checking those fuses under the dash lol

@lloydcousins9590 says:

Very good job ❤❤

@stevenfarley6909 says:

You are looking for fuses but you need a breakout box and a wiring diagram

@y3sca530 says:

It never fails. The tallest or fattest guys always get the dash work

@bootsontheground1388 says:

You're amazingly patient during diagnosis. Wonderful automotive doctor!

@medusagorgon8432 says:

Learned something new!

@jasonzwart2316 says:

Your the man my brother absolutely love your content you are a bad a$&@ teacher

@dunbarautomotive says:

I have add a temporary 12v .5amp tap to the 16th obd2 wire for power since the fuses were good but no communication to the scanner, worked great, and low amps incase there a big draw on system that could cause a fire.

@fakeaname says:

lol YouTube thinks I need a skill

@yoface938 says:

Led fuses should really be the new standard out of the factory

@oSTYNCLSYo says:

Some vehicles obd2 port is connected to the radio fuse.

@reddfoxx9019 says:

Drawback of being tall is cramming in the floorboards

@mitchmacfayden9535 says:

How do I get an apprenticeship with you?

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