Ultimate DISA Fix – Repair kit permanent solution! No more pin!

Ultimate DISA Fix – Repair kit permanent solution! No more pin!

This is the only way to permanently solve the DISA pin problem. No more rattle or danger of engine damage. This repair kit from X8R eliminates the pin entirely by using a center shaft system. This is a tutorial on how to fix your DISA using the kit.

Just make sure to grab the correct one for your engine šŸ™‚

Directly from manufacturer:





@dRew-something says:

Great video,are you sure you're meant to remove the o ring? Their (x8r) youtube channel installation guide leaves it on ..i got in touch with them and they said to leave the old one on

@bmw_shenanigans2912 says:

When I put mine on it doesnā€™t want to move. Only way itā€™ll move around is by moving it manually.

@paultavenner6464 says:

Is it better to replace the whole DISA unit plus do the upgrade on it? OR, is there an aftermarket or even OEM equivalent DISA unit that is built with the aluminum components? Seems like the rest of the DISA unit could also deterioiate eventually.

@richinfeels says:

What is the name of song? šŸ˜€

@SlightlyDank says:

i know its stupid to buy a bmw for your wallet but im set on getting an e85 z4 cause of the cars looks. it just reminds me of asian cars and the big ass bonnet is just amazing on the bleeding things!

@NorbertCristian28 says:

In repair kit must include diaphragm also..

@drifter9425 says:

That's better than the way factory did it BUT the vacuum diaphragm only lasts so long so in my opinion you may as well break out the wallet every 70k mi. And replace both left and right you do realize there's another adjacent to that left one toward the rt side you need to take intake off to replace

@jakofall79 says:

What is the website you purchased the repair kit from

@marcjohnson5148 says:

Thank you so so so so so so much

@ZAKU-GD says:

That DISA flap bolt falling it is a myth, I know this forsure since I've did my own DISA Service on my 330ci, if you look in side the port intake hole after removing the DISA, there should be a raised groove edge dead center inside the intake manifold that there so when you install a new DISA flap bolt side will seat up against the house edge not allowing to bolt to come loose until you remove it, if that is the point of failure.

@CoupleColleagues says:

Just FYI there isn't enough clearance for the pin to fall out when the DISA is all the way inserted into the engine. When it's removed its time to be careful.

@idiether says:

The previous owner didnā€™t put ā€œgasket pasteā€, that is the way they come OEM. They come from the factory as a molded gasket not an o ring. But thatā€™s exactly why the rebuild includes it! Nice video!

@jongkeunlee says:

Hey. Thanks for uploading.
I do , however, have a question. I removed it because of rattle noise and checked. It hold vacuum and a pin on top is solid. Not moving at all. Exactly what or which part contributes the noise? Thanks.

@eastsideofthetracks8311 says:

I paid 460 because my pin fell and disa didnā€™t work

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