Fixing all the chipped paint on my Toyota Tacoma with ReveMoto Touch-Up Kit! #shorts

Fixing all the chipped paint on my Toyota Tacoma with ReveMoto Touch-Up Kit! #shorts

In this #shorts, I fix the rock/paint chips on my Toyota Tacoma using ReveMoto’s touch-up kit!



@andresenriquez6793 says:

Why stop there?

@rebelsouljaz says:

This was dumb, all that for a dot of paint. What about the rest of the truck? Better to invest in an actual PPF for the whole vehicle rather than some stupid dot of paint

@slangoftheregions says:

Good enough, thisbis what I need

@user-rb1yf4he9q says:

You should have smoothed larger chips with fingernail file or sand paper wrapped around pencil. Those chips will flake off again because of the ridge.

@tribulation138 says:

Alot of these touch up videos are half asses. Sand and feather clear coat first before doing anything.

@Freejohnsilkyputty says:

This is how women fix chips…..the totally wrong way.

@joeyboombatz9098 says:

Lmao. Why even touch these spots ifnyou arent going to sand them

@jimmyamico4713 says:

Good job!❤

@christyinthecarolinas says:

A little laquer thinner would help to etch the surface so it adhered better. You just put it on and let it dry. Dont touch it until its dry and bam.

@Hes_oneshotbro says:

If you try again, you can add a couple layers of the paint to get it even with the paint and then use a compound to buff it to an even finish

@almadeunrebel says:

the floating blur was slightly disingenuous

@breastmeatonly says:

Doctor colorchip. You're welcome.

@BryantSilva-Cruz says:

I have like 5 chipped paint spots that are the same but they show sign of rust what should I do?

@BTx789 says:

Buy a sander. Sand the whole car and then buy a paint roller to paint the car faster

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