Peugeot Expert 2L diesel common fault

Peugeot Expert 2L diesel common fault


@patrickwalsh9599 says:

I need one of these – does anyone have the part number or know exactly what is called or where to get it.

@alann7077 says:

What a useless video.
What use is it when you don't tell us how we'd know it needs replacing?!

@janzelf says:

@lifeRobrandom What are the symptoms that happen when this thing is broken? Thank you.

@janzelf says:

How will you know if it's broken? What are the symptoms while driving the car?

@timstone5112 says:

Air dozer? Is that the same as boost pressure relief actuator?

@alexbelchi says:

Great video. Can you explain how to remove it and where it is placed?

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