How to replace and fix a broken Peugeot 208 rear washer pipe

How to replace and fix a broken Peugeot 208 rear washer pipe

This is a video I’ve put together as I searched the internet for a Haynes manual or video showing me how to do this job.

It turns out it isn’t that difficult. Just don’t be heavy handed with the trim and take your time. You will need a T20 and T30 screwdriver bit to remove the trim and high vis brake light so make sure you have those to hand along with a flat head screwdriver to remove the grommets.

I’m not an overly confident person but I hope the video helps others avoid what I’ve heard is a very costly trip to the dealer for the repair.. albeit you’d still need the dealer for the part.

At the time of posting, July 2018, the part cost £24 ish and the job as a whole took less time than the filming. If you’re confident you should give it a go and save some cash!

Some posts online have suggested this is a £150 job!



Travis Bailey says:

thanks really helped … if you dont mind me asking where could i get this new part from ??

Dan Burgess says:

Thanks mate very helpful and I'll give it a go 🙂

Yair m Halfon says:

Ty 4 this halpfull video

208 PUG says:

really you replaced with the same one 🙂 ? why not just 4mm silicone pipe 🙂

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