How To Remove A Treble Hook Imbeded In A 13yr Olds Thumb

How To Remove A Treble Hook Imbeded In A 13yr Olds Thumb

Caleb took a hook deep in the thumb. We had to remove it with pliers…



claytonm333 says:

why post two vids about it…. thats kinda stupid

dnahoghunter says:

@raplamaster03 Just a second. Watch the whole vid at my other channel…

julie51573 says:

wow , I was squirming for a minute there lol

dnahoghunter says:

@PHARTATACK LOL, dont be a dumb ass Manny!!! If the barb was deep yeah a
string… but it was just under the skin. Ive taken many a hook out!!
Thanks for watching!!!

dnahoghunter says:

hey sorry, old vid and trying to get subs for the other channel. Did you at
least try to hit the link for the other vid that shows the removal?

dnahoghunter says:

@hogdude1234 LMAO!!! It took me a minute to figure this out… Thats how
good I’m thinking.


DUDE!!! Thats not how you get a hook out!! – What you do is make a loop of
heavy string, loop the hook, press on the eye and jerk it out clean! I bet
you made him cry with those rusty pliers!

birddawg33 says:

Try this next time, use a piece of fishing string, run through the hook
then press down on the eye of the hook or shank and pop it out. fast and

zuhairzq says:

ouch caleb , you are a doctor D lol , i sub for you to see the rest of the

raplamaster03 says:

that looked liked it hurt, my cousin got a lure with a trouble hook through
his ear lob

dnahoghunter says:

@NeverNeverSafari I think I thanks ya’ll up front in the comments..LOL

ilovefootie564 says:

that was so shit show us the rest

raceaidanella says:

i stabbed m self in my middle finger with a filet knife and it went
completly through it

dnahoghunter says:

Hey Julie! It wasnt that bad, it was barely in past the barb

dnahoghunter says:

@PigDownCrew LOL, Its on there…

baldieman64 says:

Snip off the other two points. Grab the shank and push the point that’s in
the finger around and out through the skin. Smip the point off behind the
barb. slip the hook out the way it went in. No tearing, no ripping, no trip
to the hospital.

dnahoghunter says:

@hunterbychoice09 on my other channel, dnahoghunter2….

hunterbychoice09 says:

where is the rest of the vid/

GeekSquadSupport says:

Not sure how you did it, but if it is a single barb hook DON’T push it
through and clip off the end then remove. I work ER and we see this a lot.
Simply tie durable string to bottom of hook then push down on hook to have
barb move into entry space then quickly pull string. We have fisherman in
and out of ER in seconds…Hell the paperwork and vitals take longer.
Treble hooks with two barbs buried is when it is difficult…we then cut
hook apart and do each piece separate same way.

ConnerPlainLiving says:

I had to take one out of my son’s eyelid one time. But I was able to push
it through and cut off the barb. He was a trooper.

tuttoz says:

!check mine out ..!i had to push it tru the other side then cut it ….
good fun …. nice vid DNA but next time , give the kid something else to
bite on hahahah ….

dnahoghunter says:

@asianboy9821 yeah

pingman101 says:

DNA…Where’s the ending? LOL Hows Caleb? Did you hear of the Redfish
tourny @ Calajunk on June 5th by Texas Pride

CoyoteInfinite says:

You know why this video is getting disliked…

Filip H says:

When i was about 10 or 11 i had a hook stuck in my thumb. We couldn’t get
it out so we went to the hospital. The idiots snapped the hook in half and
had to push it out on the other side of the thumb, just under my nail. Fuck
stupid people and fuck low quality hooks!

dnahoghunter says:

yeah because I didn’t show pulling it, go watch it on D2 if you wanna see
it removed. I was trying to get a start on that channel

Mrfiveducks says:

know you know how a fish feels, you fool

dnahoghunter says:

that sounds painful

dnahoghunter says:

that sucks! This one wasnt very deep at all

Pass Hype says:

I’m 13 my names Caleb lol

Matt Booth says:

ouch…he seemed to take it like a man though LOL

andrewkesson says:

FUCK YOU……thnx my daughter is sitting here with a hook in her hand and
you play stupid WANKER

dnahoghunter says:

this one was easy

dnahoghunter says:

@mnjbooth Yeah he did, he had waited awhile, I was off cleaning the fish
from the tourney and he was waiting at the boat with our other partner

dnahoghunter says:

it wasnt deep

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