Man Repairs DESTROYED CAR From Scratch | Start to Finish by @repair-nissan-guy

Man Repairs DESTROYED CAR From Scratch | Start to Finish by @repair-nissan-guy

Xiao Wu is a true artist of auto body repair.

Watch as he repairs a car that had no hope and was truly wrecked. Through an examination of the wreckage at the start, h takes us through the whole procedure for restoring the structure, which shows how welding, alignment and reinforcements can help. He expertly fortifies the car’s internal frame to bring it to standard, helping make it safe and roadworthy. Every panel is perfectly aligned just like it was made in the factory. Every weld has been made carefully in a car that most would consider lost.

It’s not just about appearance, it’s also about having a car with long lasting capabilities and enhancing the resale value of the car. This is where everything in life is manicured to perfection. See how the world’s expert craftsman transforms a car brought back from the dead by virtue of his prowess. His incredible skill and passion brings this vehicle back to life, which will recover his former glory.

Youtube: @repair-nissan-guy
Douyin ID: 11111xiaowu
Disclaimer: Quantum Tech HD is not affiliated with the businesses whose products are shown in this review. Any trademarks depicted are the property of their respective owners.



@オダ吉法師 says:


@HoainamPham-farm says:

Video rất đẹp ❤❤❤bạn rất khéo tay ❤❤❤❤

@leegarner4111 says:

Looks like that would cost more to fix then what the cars worth.

@jerryuptmor2826 says:

WOW! Beautiful job.

@SWturnikmen says:

Не бита не крашена, ездила бабушка до магазина и обратно

@AngelRodriguezLuque-ns6rs says:

Este tío es un artista, un fenómeno.

@HawkeyeHowell says:

If that was me trying to put it back together when I was finshed it would look like a crushed beer can…Amazing person this guy artist .

@TheSirBlackbird says:

Elle ne passera pas le contrôle technique en France.

@nournourelyoume9010 says:

Bravo les chinois

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