FIX Landrover Discovery 3 Key HOW TO

FIX Landrover Discovery 3 Key HOW TO

This video will show you everything we do to fix these keys. If you’re confident then good luck, just be careful with making sure the solder is proerly mothen before pulling or pushing legs through fragile holes. You’ll be fine if you take care.




variety says:

It's too hard for me to do that! 🙁

Nathan Masten says:

What temp are you using to remove the switches

Allan Wilson says:

Great presentation, I see you re used the old Blade (Some suppliers say you must cut a new blade.. i.e. Not interchangeable)
Where can I buy a fob case identical to the one in your video ?
Many thanks

Alex Rose says:

What type of switches do you use? RS seem to list hundreds!

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