How a Ferrari Gets Repaired – Newport Beach Ferrari & Maserati Collision Center

How a Ferrari Gets Repaired – Newport Beach Ferrari & Maserati Collision Center

The Ferrari Collision Center in Orange County is the only 1 of 2 Factory Certified Collision Repair Centers in the Western United States. Due to the complexity of the vehicles, the technologically…



KirilG1 says:

Very good, not joking! Now try to explain the same all the rest of the car
manufacturing countries, except the Germany(they are on the same page for
the most part). Good luck!

Skyler91 says:

The O.C. – Ferrari Edition

dave dunn says:

This guy scares me 

MrNuggetface says:

Don’t want this guy on my bad side. I can see people with masks in my

Anthony Esposito says:

The video is good, but it would be better without the music

jonathangandy says:


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