Durango Jeep Chrysler 3.6 Pentastar Timing Tools Right Bank

Durango Jeep Chrysler 3.6 Pentastar Timing Tools Right Bank


@onecititexas says:

I’ve tried that and it’s a b

@CrisfherJorge says:

im stupid i fuck my engine i took 1 camshaft and lost the mark now my cars doesnt start i lost my car chrysler 200 i need to time the chain or reset it and i dont know how to do it

@أبومحمدالمقطري-ج3ك says:

فين بحصلها

@أبومحمدالمقطري-ج3ك says:

انا ابغا زرجينه تروس دوج

@jameslewis1175 says:

Pretty easy job. Surprised me

@kmilli0313 says:

I have the tool and cannot get it to release timing on that backside

@renofabrc says:

What tool is used for the backside? I've got the cam tools just no direction

@danielpelaez9978 says:

Hey sir im looking around to see if someone can explain how they remove the passanger side head offwith the timing cover stil being in ? I already got my right side offf

@ronkey4796 says:

3.7l it's better than 3.6l

@A2ZREY says:

I have to do a head job so this kinda don’t work for me

@rubenclemente237 says:

Ok but how you gonna take of the head to get to the head gasket

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