Installing quick release bumper supports on a 2006 Acura RSX

Installing quick release bumper supports on a 2006 Acura RSX


@MoB_556 says:

What a slow kid

@patriot1751 says:

This is one step above duct tape and looks like crap.

@Staycool86 says:

Do not do this . I repeat do not do this mod . Just go get a bumper lift kit for the bumper gap . Some cars you just have to adjust the frame and add washers so it can slightly lift the bumper .

@DIYtryer says:

How do you know how far apart to drill the holes from each other?

@Itspiyerrrr says:

Bumper clips was also broken on mine, so I bought mac lifter kit so now gap is gone

@thegrouchyoldman6909 says:

Y do people do this?

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